Friday, September 18, 2009

So I've neglected this.

I haven't posted here because I really haven't had much to post about...

The plain fact is I've basically decided to throw away everything I've written. Not so much a throwaway, as putting it on a shelf and allowing it to collect dust and pretend its not there.

Ok, thats not true either. I've decided to start my story from where I left off 40k words into it. I realized that the real story happens NOW.

I've been stuck for weeks trying to figure out where Mitch was supposed to go and what he was supposed to do. I basically decided to keep all my characters and the events as the past, but not include them in the story.

The new story begins with Mitch finding out his wife is dead.

Sigh. I'm only 4K words into it now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Son of a bitch X 2

So its been a long week. Last week it was dinner with friends, then a poker party. Sunday is my day with my wife....

I haven't written hardly anything since friday which absolutely sucks.

I want to get back into it tonight, but dinner with the in-laws. Tomorrow, halloween 2 with wife's friends.


Oh well, I'm gonna put up some pics here that describe the scenes I want to show:

Universal Studios outside:
Exteriior before bombs

Port of Entry:
Pic 1


Pic 2

Orlando destroyed:
city blown up

Orlando suburbs after looting and fighting
some houses

Vault underneath Orlando:
old ww2 vault looking

Tunnels underneath:
small utility tunnels

Tennessee Campsite:
The campsite when they get there


with the barn visible

River side at the tennessee camp:
the river washing area

Image of Gas Station on the way to tn:
middle american 70s gas station

View of the mountains from the camp
a nice view

the barn where the pot dealer lives
only with more cars.

Downtown of the City near the camp:
without the cars of course

Images of the market place:
This needs to be darker and more makeshift

remember the foods

note the overhead


(Remember to look up slavers later)

Thats it for now until I get around to Mitch's camp later.